Thursday, September 09, 2010

Colorfornia Golden Bearffuloes?

After a satisfying pantsing of CSU in game one, the Buffs move on to game two. And as I look at this next opponent I see a lot of, well, US. Behold the eery comparisons:

University of California University of Colorado
State name begins with C, contain 4 syllables State name begins with C, contain 4 syllables
Mascot: Golden Bears

Mascot: Golden Buffaloes
Local hero: Darian Hagan Jr.
Local hero: Darian Hagan Sr.
Community is frequently threatened by wildfires

Community is frequently threatened by wildfires

Non-native settlers first came to the state in search of gold

Non-native settlers first came to the state in search of gold

Town is inhabited by stinky hippies and wealthy liberal elite

Town is inhabited by stinky hippies and wealthy liberal elite

Rival: Red-clad, self important wankers led by rage-aholic nutjob

Rival: Red-clad, self important wankers led by rage-aholic nutjob

Coach: once among the hottest commodities in college football, now desperately trying to prove he wasn't a flash in the pan
Coach: once among the hottest commodities in college football, now desperately trying to prove he wasn't a flash in the pan

So, when I look at you Cal, it's like looking in the mirror. Beautiful.

That said, the Buffs are coming to your town, Bears, intending to commit unspeakable acts upon your mortal souls. It's like the biblical story of Cain and Abel in which one brother murdered the other and I can't remember which or why and that shit just seems wrong but sometimes a brother's got to get cut, you know? And that brother is you, Cain. Or Abel.

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