Sunday, September 03, 2006


Well 24 hours after the worst Buff loss in history and here's all of the perspective that I can muster.

Your college football team is like your family. You are inextricably linked to them for life and that's just the way it is. Sure you might be able to excommunicate the weird uncle or second cousin, but your college is closer than that. More like a spouse, sibling, parent or child. You can't disconnect from them. For better or for worse they are yours. They may screw up, they may be ugly, they may be dim or they may embarrass you in public. But they are yours, my friend.

That's how I feel about my Buffs. I'm embarrassed for them and a little angry. But I love them. They are my college football family and the only one I'm ever going to have. They've brought me much joy and happiness over the years and they will again one day, Jah willing.

They may have dropped a turd on the Folsom turf yesterday, but they are my boys. Every one of those players and coaches CHOSE TO BE A BUFF and for that I love them. Twenty years ago, I chose to be a Buff too. And that's who I am.

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