Thursday, November 01, 2012

Hail to the champs! (of Cross Country)

The Buffs have now won 100% of the Pac12 Men's Cross Country Championships.

One hundred percent.  We are undefeated in Men's cross country.  Here are our boys celebrating their big win this week.
Congrats!  Now, who among you can also tackle?

So buck up, Buffaloes!  The Buffs may not be good at football but we are good at other things like running long distances, physics (high-five Dave Wineland!) and launching freaking ASTRONAUTS into space!

You know who's not good at astronauts?  Stanford.

Unfortunately we are not scheduled to have an astronaut match with Stanford this weekend.  We are instead slated to play them in football - an activity in which they currently excel.
I feel you, Sad Chip

But come on out anyway.  And each time that Stanford scores on our hapless D, point to the sky to remind them that the celestial scoreboard is still very much in our favor, dammit!
Scott Carpenter, bitches

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