I will miss OU.

I suppose the thing I've liked the most about OU over the years is their hatred for Nebraska. And the Sooners inflicted plenty of pain upon the dickish plainsmen of NU. Hey, the enemy of my enemy is my friend, no?

So what to expect in this final matchup between the long-time conference mates?
OU is very good. And very angry after coming off of their first defeat of the season courtesy of Mizzou. So they will be looking to incinerate the next opponent in order to make a statement that they belong in a BCS game - still possibly the Championship. That unfortunate next opponent is a Buff team that, already shaky, has been positively decimated by injuries. We've lost our 2 leading tackers (Perkins then Major), our second leading rusher (Lockridge), every damned one of our nickelbacks (Orms, Sandersfiled, Vigo) and now our starting quarterback (Hanson).
On top of that, the Sooners have not lost at home in 5 years. That's right, FIVE YEARS.
So to say that the Buffs have absolutely no chance is to state the obvious.
Yet long time readers of this blog will recall another team led by a certain Cody Hawkins who dared to stand up to a number 2 ranked Sooners Evil Empire. This will forever be known as the Star Wars game . And I think we all remember how that turned out.
So how will the final episode conclude? Hey, maybe the rebel coalition has one more lucky shot.
At any rate, we will miss you, OU. I hope that when the BIG XII ultimately disintegrates in 2 years time, that you will win up in a good conference. You'll likely have your pick of the litter - SEC or Big 10. Shoot maybe we'll be re-united one day in the Pac 12 expansion. Until then, farewell old friend.

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