Wednesday, November 25, 2009

You've got rage. Focus the rage.

Friends of the Buffaloes,

Remember this lesson - sometimes the underdog wins.

Today it was reported that Dan Hawkins will be retained to coach the Colorado Buffaloes for 2010. Against all odds and conventional logic, Dan Hawkins will be allowed to continue coaching a BCS program.

This is undoubtedly the biggest come from behind victory of Dan's career.

For much of this season, Hawk has been written off and left for dead. I mean, when you begin the season by losing to CSU and then follow that shortly by getting torched by Toledo (!) your fate is already teetering on the brink. But then you follow that up with going 2-5 in conference, become estranged from the media, have the students organize powder blue protests, have the AD start saying "no comment" every time your name comes up and have every sports columnist on the planet speculating not about if you will be retained but rather who will be your replacement... well, your time for this world is clearly not long. Shoot even cheerful, perpetually glass half full bloggers are off inventing the 51st "way to leave your lover". The spectators of your career have left the stadium with time still left on the clock. Hey, might as well beat the traffic.

But then, BAM! Victory is snatched from the jaws of defeat! Improbably, unbelievably the man keeps his job. It seemed all but impossible just moments ago. But as those final seconds were about to tick off the clock, Dan Hawkins pulls the victory out of his butt.

It's not even clear that he actually was trying to save his job. Hey, why not collect a very nice severance package and move on down the road, possibly the Latvia? This turn of events was probably just as surprising and confusing to Dan as it was to you.

But the lesson is this - sometimes the underdog wins. Even if it's the weakest, lamest, ugliest, mangiest, stinkiest, hapless dog you've ever seen - sometimes he's going to win. And hey, isn't that way makes sports great? Yes, yes it is.

Still you are going through the emotions. First denial, then bewilderment and soon in all likelyhood, anger. Anger that this chump... this chump who has lost twice as many games as he's won, been the purveyor of the two worst embarrassments in school history (Montana State and Toledo), given up more sacks and penalty yards than can be counted... will be back to torture you for yet one more year. Anger turns to rage!

Actually, I'm sanguine about the deal. I've gone to my happy place where sunflowers bloom, rainbows dominate the sky, puppies lick my feet and Chris Brown scores 6 touchdowns against the Fuskers. Maybe this is for the best. Maybe Hawk will turn it around in year 5. Maybe he'll turn into the next Bill McCartney any day now. Hey, look, a unicorn!

But I realize that many of you have not yet gone to your happy place. You are currently in a boiling cauldron of rage. This is not right, it's not fair, it's unacceptable, you deserve a winning program, a competent coach, a Big XII Championship and a Heisman trophy winner. And you deserve it now, dammit! And only the continued employment of Coach Hawk stands between you and your just deserts. Rage, rage, RAGE!!!

I can't talk you out of it. Your emotions are your emotions and we're all just going to have to live with that. But I would like to make but one suggestion.

Channel that rage. Not at Hawk for what's done is done, at least for one more year. But channel that rage at the real enemy. Remember the real enemy? No matter what happens there will ever only be one Great Satan and he goes by the name of Nebraska Cornhusker and he will appear once again this Friday upon the holy ground of Folsom Field. So bring that raw emotion that you are feeling and channel it at the guys in red on a sunny afternoon in Boulder. There will be other days to groan and growl about your football coach, but the moment to focus on the enemy is upon us. So bring that emotion and let it rain down with great justice and furious anger upon the ears and psyches of the ones for whom there can never be enough suffering - NEBRASKA!

GO BUFFS!!!!!!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Silliness in Stillwater

OMG, the buffs are 3-7 and in disarray. They've lost to CSU, Toledo and Iowa State all in the same season - the rare crap tri-fecta! They haven't won a road game in over two years. The athletic department is broke. The coach is almost certainly about to be fired. And into Stillwater go the hapless Buffs for a Thursday night matchup against the talented and cash flush #12 ranked Cowboys of Oklahoma State.

So who will win this tilt? It's obvious you say? Well not so fast, my friend. Have you ever heard of the "Theory of the Worst Haircut"? Obviously not because I just made that shit up. The Theory goes like this - the team coached by the guy with the least bad haircut wins. So let's examine our competitors, shall we?

The battle of the haircuts.

Dan Hawkins. We got to know Dan Hawkins four long years ago as the goofy, gregarious, rambling and mostly lovable tousle haired prodigy:

[Tousle haired genius]

Well, the genius thing didn't really work out. Dan searched for an answer. And the answer he found was - change your hairstyle, that should solve everything.

[The gel, the gel, Oh God, the gel!]

Surprisingly, this solution did not pan out.

But Messier Hawkins will have some serious competition for worst haircut in "Oklahoma State T. Boone Pickens Tribute to Money That I Have and You Don't Stadium" on Thursday night. My lord, will he have some fierce competition. Meet Mike Gundy:

[That's not gel. Pure rage enables this hair style.]

In addition to being a joyless prick, Coach Gundy is a lifelong Cowboy having started four years as OSU's quarterback back in the '80s. I remember it well and this makes me feel old. But if you think Mike's current haircut is frightening, you should have seen it then.

[In my mind's eye, every male In Stillwater still sports this doo.]

So the coaching hairstyle competition is too close to call. Must mean the game is a tossup!

Here are the reasons the Buffs *might* win.
  1. OSU's excellent QB, Zac Robinson, got his damned head plumb knocked off last week.

  2. OSU's next and final regular season game is against their much hated rival, Oklahoma. Perhaps, like Texas, they'll be distracted by the Big Distracting Thing.
  3. Dan Hawkins is a walking deadman. His job is almost certainly over in, like, 10 days time. You do not want to fight a man who has nothing, I mean nothing, to lose. You cannot defend terminal crazy.
  4. The Buffs always inexplicably beat one good team per year. We thought that had already happened this year when we beat then #17 KU. But subsequent evidence reveals that Kansas is a bad, holy moly, super bad team. Neither do A&M nor Wyoming qualify as good teams. So, who knows, maybe OSU is this year's victim?

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Profiles in Bad-assery: Scotty McKnight, that's right, Scotty McKnight

Stop laughing.

Scotty McKnight is a badass. He is short, he is slow, he is white, he has a haircut that looks like this, his name is Scotty. And he is a BAD ASS.


* Since red-shirting in 2006, Scotty (originally a walk-on), has never missed a game. This despite suffering several injuries including a wicked concussion earlier this year.

* Scotty has caught at least one pass in every game that he has played.

* Scotty has led the team in receiving in each of the last 3 seasons.

* Three quarters of the way through is junior year, Scotty is closing in on nearly every significant CU receiving record. Including those possessed by the likes of noted badasses Charles E. Johnson and Michael Fucking Westbrook.

* Scotty rushes to the assistance of fellow students who have had serious cycling accidents.

* Scotty's dad is an undercover narcotics cop in Los Angeles.

* Scotty even recovers teammates fumbles and scores touchdowns as he did when Sumler fumbled inside the 10 against Wyoming this year.

* Scotty's best friend is Mark Sanchez who takes time out of his busy schedule as an NFL quarterback to fly to Boulder to watch Scotty play.

* Your wife is having a pretend affair with Scotty right now. With your blessing.

Simply put, Scotty is a selfless, over-achieving kid who works his ass off and performs every week. On a team where many of his team-mates and coaches make bone-headed errors every week, Scotty is a beacon of consistent excellent performance.

I think that the world would be a better place if everyone would pause each time they encounter a challenge in life and ask themselves, "What would Scotty McKnight do?" Except perhaps when they are getting a haircut.

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

It's not you, it's me... But mostly you.

Honey, we have to talk.

Come here, sit down. Let me pour you a glass of wine. There right to the top.

So, there's no easy way to say this but... It's not you... it's me. I'm just not satisfied with... you.

Look, this whole relationship was sort of crazy from the start. Hard to believe that it was four years ago... seems so much longer. You were a handsome, wholesome country boy who seemed to have all the right answers. I was a naive schoolgirl coming off a bad relationship. We had one crazy weekend together, everything seemed to click and BOOM! we were married.

But you know, it just was never right. I've known it ever since the Montana State incident. I think you knew it too. But we put on the act for the kids and our friends. We both wanted them to be happy. But between the two of us - there was never true love...

Oh, I know. It hurts to hear it said so bluntly out loud. But you know it too, you have to.

The passion has long since passed. And the sex - there's just no spark there any more. It's like we're on different pages. I want to go straight down the middle with the occasional double reverse to keep things interesting. And you... well frankly I can't even tell what it is you're trying to do...

So, what I'm saying is this. I think it's time for both of us to move on with our lives. Separately. I'm sure you'll find someone who can give you the love and support that you need. Perhaps at a rural, division II school. Or an experimental league in, say, Latvia. That would be nice for you. Me? I'll be fine. I suppose this old gal can still find a gent who shares her interests and values. Someone worldly, dashing, handsome, competent, someone who doesn't run wide sweeps on 4th and inches... Oh, sorry... I forgot you were still sitting there for a sec.

Anyhoo... The kids. They're going to be so upset. I mean Cody is *already* upset - I'm afraid that he'll never speak to either one of us again. And the others... Sure, the older ones know what's going on. But the youngsters, the freshmen and sophomores, they'll just be crushed. It'll be like Toledo all over again for them. I think we should wait until after the holidays to break the news to them. At least until after Thanksgiving.

So there it is. Don't look so glum. Let's just remember the good times. Oklahoma, West Virginia, Kansas. Those were good. Just don't dwell on the negatives, just put those behind you. No need to even mention them, really... Like Montana State, Toledo, CSU, ISU, Baylor, Kai Maiava, Josh Smith, Darrell Scott, the horrible beatings by Missouri, the Baylor triple overtime. Those embarrassing failures, well, you just shouldn't dwell on them. Tomorrow is the first day of the rest of your life, ya know? Who knows, maybe we'll beat Texas A&M and have a few more laughs together before we go our separate ways.

And you know, we'll always be friends. I'll always be there if you need someone to, uh, call or something. Long distance.

OK then, good talk. So you'll be moved out but 1st of December and, um, I think you should sleep in the spare bedroom in the mean time. I already moved your stuff in there. K, great.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Quoth the Defense, "Nevermore"

Apropos it is to be playing the Missouri Tigers on Halloween. The recent Buff-Mizzou matchups have been ghastly and ghoulish. Fact: in the past 8 quarters of play against CU, Missouri has scored 113 points. One hundred and thirteen.

It's been a shit show, our defense has been helpless against the mighty Tiger offensive juggernaut. We were the French, they were the Germans. We were Grenada, they were the Marines. We were the Generals, they were the Globe Trotters. We were Charlie Brown, they were Lucy. Hopeless...

But this year is different. Gary Pinkel's Mizzou no longer has the magical Chase Daniel and the uncoverable Jeremy Macklin. In their place are the gimpy Blaine Gabbert and the fragile Denario Alexander. Furthermore, the 2009 CU defense has evolved into a snarling, nasty, mean, stubborn, swashbuckling bunch. They have been the buzz saw into which great offenses such as Texas and Kansas have unwittingly run. Buff fans in the know realize that, even through our recent losses, the D has been simply superb.

And this Saturday, that nasty Buff Defense will come to avenge the atrocities of the past two years. They will wage war upon the Tiger offense in a chilling and horrific manner. And Halloween 2009 will be a nightmare for Mizzou.

In the spirit of Halloween, I've borrowed and adapted the single greatest piece of terrifying literature of all time, "The Raven" from the brilliant Edgar Allan Poe. Enjoy.

The Defense (by Edgar Buffalover Poe)

Once upon a midday dreary, Pinkel pondered, weak and weary,
Over many a quaint and curious volume of offensive lore--
While he nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping,
As he came a gently rapping, rapping at the red-zone door.
"'T'will be a touchdown," he muttered, "tapping at the red-zone door--
Only this and nothing more."

Ah, distinctly he remembered last year in the bleak November,
And each drive he did engender wrought its way to endzone flannel.
Eagerly he wished the morrow;--vainly he had sought to borrow
From his heart surcease of sorrow--sorrow for the lost Daniel--
For the rare and radiant prince whom the angels name Daniel--
Gone forever just like my spaniel.

And the silken sad uncertain rustling of his memory's curtain
Thrilled him--filled him with fantastic terrors never felt before;
So that now, to still the beating of his heart, he stood repeating
"'Tis the time to be entreating entrance at the redzone door--
Naturally I'll be entreating entrance at the redzone door;
This it is and nothing more."

Presently his soul grew stronger; hesitating then no longer,
"Sir," said he, "or Madam, truly your forgiveness I implore;
But the fact is I was napping, and so gently you came rapping,
And so now I'll come a tapping, tapping at the redzone door,
And now a pass to score against you"--here he opened wide the door--
Black shirts there and nothing more.

Deep into that darkness peering, long he stood there wondering, fearing,
Doubting, dreaming dreams no mortals ever dared to chance embrace;
But the silence was unbroken, and the stillness gave no token,
And the only word there spoken was the whispered words, "Prince Chase?"
This he whispered, and an echo murmured back the word, "Replace!"--
Merely this and nothing more.

Downward then he flung the playbook, when, with many a scowl and gray look,
In there rushed a stately 'Backer of like saintly days of yore.
Not the least obeisance made he; not a minute stopped or stayed he,
But, with mien of lord or lady, struck upon Blaine Gabbert's shore--
Lept upon the fleeing QB, just there on Blaine Gabbert's shore--
Sacked then flattened, and nothing more.

Then the 'backer quite beguiling stood above him snarling, smiling,
By the grave and stern decorum of the countenance he wore,
"Though my crest be red and woolly, I," he said, "art your feared sacker,
Ghastly grim and redhead 'backer blitzing from the blind side shore--
Creamed us in the years past, truly, upon this team you'd score and score!"
Then quoth the 'backer, "Nevermore."

Then the Pinkel, standing lonely on the sideline, spat and moaned he
That one word, as if its soul in that one word he did outpour
Nothing farther need be uttered; the 'backer had his QB buttered--
Till he scarcely more than muttered: "Other friends have flown before--
On the next play we shall score, as my Hopes have flown before."
Said the Defense "Nevermore."

Startled at the stillness broken by reply so aptly spoken,
"Doubtless," said he, "what it utters is its only stock and store,
Caught from some unhappy master whom unmerciful Disaster
Followed fast and followed faster till his songs one burden bore--
Till the dirges of his Hope that melancholy burden bore
Of 'Never--nevermore.'"

But the Defense still beguiling knocked his sad soul into smiling,
Straight he runs a QB draw now, pass fake then Blaine steps toward the fore;
One step forward and then quick sinking, bruised and dazed he lays there blinking
Fancy unto fancy, thinking what this ominous D of yore--
What this grim, ungainly, ghastly, mean, and ominous D of yore
Meant in shouting "Nevermore."

There Blaine sat engaged in guessing, but no syllable expressing
To the Safety whose fiery eyes now burned into his bosom's core;
This and more he sat divining, with his head in pain reclining
On green turf with chalky lining above him DBs gloated o'er,
But the endzones distant lining with the ball he'd not get o'er
There he'll go, ah, nevermore!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Well, look what the Cat dragged in


The Buffs rose up in spectacular fashion Saturday to knock off undefeated, 17th ranked Kansas Jayhawks and their spectacular quarterback, Todd Reesing. The defense was fantastic - shutting down the running game, getting 6 sacks and withstanding not one but two furious red-zone rallies by the 'Hawks. On offense, new QB Tyler Hansen was fantastic in his first start of the season keeping plays alive with his feet and making great throws under pressure. Meanwhile Speedy Stewart spun and juked his way to another 100+ yard day. And let it be noted that Aric Goodman made two crucial field goals (please let the field goal dragon be slayed once and for all).

It was really a thrilling victory which instantly changed the tone of a season which began on such a sour note. Much work still to be done, but I couldn't be happier with the way the team has responded to adversity.


Meanwhile at Kansas State, 500 year old Bill Snyder has been removed from cold storage and reanimated in an attempt to bring the K-State team back to life. It may be working. The Mildcats lit up Texas A&M last week to the tune of 62 points.

(This is where members of the McCabe family may want to stop reading)

So how does Bill Snyder do it? How did he take the losing-est program in history, located in a backwater outpost and make it into a consistent winning and indeed feared program for most of the 1990s and early 2000s? Well it has to do with a little thing called "pure evil".

The Bill Snyder success cookbook:
1) Call Satan. Sell soul. Have no soul? Sell children's souls.
2) Scour every Junior College and Correctional Institution in the country for illiterate felons with great speed and enormous size. Welcome them to your "school".
3) Schedule a non-conference line-up consisting primarily of schools with the words "north central", "community", hyphen or "orphanage" in their names.
4) Torture opponents with "Willie the Wildcat" guitar solos.
5) Somehow be the catalyst for the firing of the current coach of Texas A&M.
6) Creep people out with that expressionless face and grayish translucent skin.
7) Win 10 games a season.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Ode to a small, white quarterback

Wither the boy
Who tried the odds
And laid out valiantly

On fields of grid
Did he not trod
But rare triumphantly

And though he stood
Of stature short
And rarely reached the pylon

Fierce he did play
A brutal sport
Had he the heart of lion

Impugn him not
For most would blaze
Than muster self to bother

And appear before
the nation's gaze
And accept the blame for father

Amidst the losses
His team far down
Quitting was not discussed

Fight to the end
For a touchdown
Despite him being concussed

Gritty was he
But without strength
Sufficient over time

He could not go
The whole field length
When all was on the line

Alas the time
To bench him came
The day he had deplored

Dad should now say
We'll share the blame
Now carry a clip board

And now his fate
To wear headset
And signal the play call

To teammate who
God did beset
Fleet legs and stature tall

The lesson here
You must stand tall
Or QB life you're leasing

Unless of course
You play football
Just like you are Todd Reesing

Thursday, October 08, 2009

Hey UT, look over there at the big distracting thing!

Hey Texas, look over there! It's Oklahoma, just one week away. Oh my, the Red River Rivalry looms large. Sure, Bob Stoops' bunch has dropped 2 games already in this young season. But when these two great teams get together, you can throw out the proverbial record books! Oh Nelly, I can hardly wait.

Mack Brown, you have to treat the OU game like the National Title Game. A win in Dallas could set you on the definitive track to the second National Title of your career. Think about it! You're a wildly successful coach at Texas but still second fiddle to that dead jackass, Darrell Royal. Win the title this year and they might change the name of your stadium from "Darrell K Royal - Memorial Stadium" to "Mack Brown Stadium". The kids will probably call it something cute like "The Brown House" or "The Mack Shack". But first you gotta beat OU.

And Colt McCoy! Dude, you could win the Heisman this year. Shoot, Tebow is out with a bruised brain. Sam Bradford is sitting with a Mormon induced shoulder injury. Colt, the trophy is yours for the taking! But if you don't beat big, bad Oklahoma all bets are off. Those damned East coast voters would probably love to give the Heisman to Eric Berry just to be cute. Make a statement at the Shootout in Dallas and they can't deny your claim to the little stiff-armer.

Will Muschamp, UT Defensive coordinator. I know you're a badass and the "coach in waiting" after Mack retires but don't be comfortable. An intense dude like you has to stay hungry. And what gets your blood boiling more than the smug visage of the be-visored Bob Stoops? Oh, they call him an "offensive genius". Harumph! You'll show him a who the genius is when your squad stones his O.

UT fans! You'd better be packing the car for that roadtrip to Dallas next week. You know those Dirt Burglers from up north are massing on the border at this very moment, preparing to take over the Cotton Bowl Stadium. Represent, Horns! You've got to show up big for this neutral field game. The crowd could be the difference. Man, I'll bet you're planning a tailgate party that is destined to become the stuff of legend...

'Horns, you better be focused on the OU matchup, it's the key to the season. And make sure your players are healthy. Don't risk getting anyone injured in this week's game. The big show is next week!

Hey by the way, who do you play this week? Oh, it's just Colorado. I hear those guys suck. Lost to Toledo, coached by Dan Hawkins, quarterbacked by a midget. Those hippies are probably planning to cancel football once and for all at that school. No need to worry about those guys. CU is nothing and you, UT, are Number 2 in the country - on your way to Number 1 if you can beat the hated Sooners next week. Meanwhile, Colorado is headed to the toilet. If a team like that plays the #2 team in the country, you just know they'll fold. That is all. Goodnight. You can stop reading right here and go get some rest for that big upcoming OU game! Good luck! Bye.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Make Welcome to Glorious Nation of West Virginiastan

(This week's guest blogger is Krygstor Zultkmzknyzsy, chancellor of the University of West Virginiastan)

Greetings to you our honored guest of Buffalo Colorado team of football.

We are please to make your visit to our country, Glorious Nation of West Virginiastan. Our motto "The 3rd world, here in America". So happy are we to be move up from 4th world - that was real shit place, no? Ha, ha ha ha!

Not often that the people of many United States come to visit Glorious West Virginiastan. Because mostly they do not know where are we. Also because we burn and eat them. (long pause) I make joke! Ha ha ha ha. After big rain of summer we no have fire to them burn... (trails off wistfully)

So come, come. Sit and I will teach of customs of my country. Please enjoy this traditional drink of make friendship. We call it "moonshinesktrzyg". With this we celebrate many occasions of things important - like game of football! Also weddings and stealing of goat. Drink friends, to West Virginiastan and new friends Buffalo Colorados, Drink!

(Everyone raises glass, drinks, then guests all spew the liquid into the air, choking and gagging. Krygstor smacks his lips and gazes approvingly at his empty glass.)

Yes, the moonshinesktrzyg is fresh just today from second best mule in town. Still warm too.

I will now tell you of my country for you to know better. We have many beautiful mountains which since big rain of summer no longer have burning... (trails off wistfully) Too we have much literacy and intelligent peoples - much better than those dipshits in Nebraskastan, no? Ha, ha, ha ha! Our main product of export is the, err, supplement so good - you know it as "Meth". We know it as "make sexy, fun, happy vitamin."

Our fine very University is of what we are most proud. It here is where our most promising youths learn skill and make party. Many students learn practice of chemistry in make the "vitamin" for export. Also bombs. We too train on career of make sexy time for money - you call it prostitution - very profitable for the young people. But most important we make the team football.

Here football is sacred activity. We make teams to have great battles with many schools of United States. Our players are heaped with much moonshinesktrzyg and prostitutes. But it is mostly special "vitamin" that makes them run so fast and hit so hard to make the bleeding. And the always gunfire.

So again, much welcome new friends Buffaloes. Now onto the grassy place for make football game and much pain!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Profiles in Bad-assery: BJ Beatty

In this week's edition of "Profiles" we will review Linebacker BJ Beatty's performance in the Wyoming game.

Before specifically mentioning the Wyo campaign and BJ's role in it, let us set some context.

First, for the uninitiated, let's review the noble role of the Linebacker. While Defensive Linemen exist to stuff the running lanes and Defensive Backs exist to defend the passing options, Linebackers exist primarily for the purpose of knocking the ever loving puddin' out the poor bastard who happens to be holding the football. As a coach once explained to me, the "raison d'ĂȘtre" of the humble linebacker is to get to the ball in a hurry and arrive in a bad mood.

The second piece of context is to consider what the CU defense experienced in the two games prior to Wyoming - namely, shameful defeat. First, defeat to the cross state rival with a first time starting quarterback and second, a 58 (58!) point explosion by Toledo (Toledo!). Both on national television. To Linebacker types who are raised to inflict pain on others, public spankings at the hands chumps do not sit well.

The third piece of context to understand is BJ's heritage. BJ hails from the great stat of Hawaii - obvious hotbed of Polynesian football prowess. BJ is half howley, the son of a former BYU linebacker, Byron Beatty, and cousin to former Buff All-American lineman and all around bad-ass, Chris Naeole. So the gridiron bloodlines and Islander pride runs deep through the veins of BJ. Also, BJ has long, curly red hair. Much like a "boy named Sue", growing up looking like that was bound to make BJ tough - like a violently insane Bozo the Clown. Good luck with that nightmare.

So back to BJ Beatty and the Wyoming performance. It is now easy to understand how BJ was feeling entering this game - the name of that feeling is pure, primal rage. But rather than allowing that rage to drive him to depression or simple insanity, BJ decided to channel that rage. And channel it he did - right through the sternums of the poor Wyoming quarterbacks and tailbacks! BJ's body became a vessel of violence and pain for those in white jerseys and helmets. His shoulder pads were named "anger" and "justice" and his silver helmet was named "redemption". To the Wyoming Cowboys, BJ became the embodiment of Samuel L Jackson in Pulp Fiction - only with long curly red hair, so way scarier:

And lay down his vengeance upon them he did. BJ's results were not unlike those of Samuel's in that classic scene. Blood spattered about the place and BJ and his mates standing over the fallen Cowboys in triumph and freshly released anger. That's ZERO points for you, vanquished opponent.

Will this new found fire of BJ and his brethren carry forward for the remainder of the season? We can only wait and watch. But let us bask for a few more moments in the shutout that was pitched in Folsom on Saturday. And salute a Linebacker who for one spectacular September afternoon self-realized in a perfect and vicious manner befitting the profession to which he was born. Respect, my brother. Respect.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Chez Hawkins

(Scene: A lovely restaurant in the finest Boulder location. A hair-gelled mater dei stands smiling as you enter.)

Mater Dei Dan: Hello, and welcome to Chez Hawk - finest dining experience you'll ever have, guaranteed. I'm Dan and I'll be your host.

Female patron: Wow, "guaranteed" quite a claim! The place really is lovely, I can't wait to get started.

Mater Dei Dan: Now please step this way, I have a charming little table for the two of you.

(Dan leads the well coiffed couple to a lovely table with a view of the Flatirons. Soft music plays, cool air blows in through the window. Seemingly the perfect night.)

Mater Dei Dan: Madame, messieur - please sit. Allow me to tell you about our specials this evening. We have a fire-roasted rack of lamb with a red wine reduction accompanied by local new potatoes. Also we are featuring a baked Mud Hen, cooked in its own juices, flavored with lemon and surrounded by root vegetables and served in a Glass Bowl.

Patron Couple: (in unison) Sounds amazing!

Mater Dei Dan: Your server will be right with you.

Male patron: You know I came to this restaurant last year and it wasn't that good. Looks like they've got it together this year, though. Could be the top restaurant in this region!

Busboy: Allow me to fill your glasses with this fine sparkling water. (opens bottle, sprays female patron in the face.) Terribly sorry, that sometimes happens. (nonchalantly shuffles off).

Patron couple: (Gasp in surprise, then shrug and laugh it off)

Waiter: Good evening folks, can I get you started with some appetizers...

(Cut to two hours later. Patron Couple, enraged and in shambles, stumble to the mater dei stand)

Mater Dei Dan: Folks I hope you enjoyed you evening with us. I trust everything was satisfactory?


Mater Dei Dan: Yes, well things didn't go exactly as planned. No need to get upset. We'll do better next time. Just have to focus on the little things. (shrugs innocently)

Patron Couple: (Stares at Mater Dei Dan in stunned disbelief and barely contained rage.)

Mater Dei Dan: (Looking back in calm, almost bored dispassion.) Be sure to join us next week. Our special will be grass fed Wyoming Cowboy skirt steak. The best you've ever had, guaranteed. Now, how will you be paying this evening?

(end scene)

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Freaky Friday

The good news is the Buffs don't have long to stew about the terrible performance against the Lambs.

Nope, after the Sunday night debacle CU scurries off to Toledo (wait, what?) for a Friday night tilt against the ... uhh... Mud Hens? I think it's the Mud Hens. No?

Ah, here it is - the Toledo Rockettes. Sounds sexy! What? Oh.. the Rockets. Toldeo Rockets. Hmm.

So, anyway, the Buffs play on a Friday (really?) against the Toledo Rockets (seriously?) in Toledo (Ohio?) in a stadium called (wait for it)... The Glass Bowl.


(Dan Hawkins bong joke goes here.)

So in this alternate universe in which we are obviously living, the reeling Buffs will play a team that scored 31 points and threw for 423 yards against a respectable Big Ten opponent in the opening week. It was Purdue, but still. Also, Toledo beat Michigan last year. Stop laughing.

So Toledo is a dangerous team. The Buffs must rebound strongly from the emotional bruising received last week. A loss at Toledo would be devastating. The abyss lies beyond. But a strong win over the Rockettes (wink) could be the salve that heals the wounds and gets this team back on track.

Tune in Friday evening for the action at the Glass Bowl (titter) and a season defining moment.


Monday, September 07, 2009

Wait, what?


What in the name of Buddha just happened? Where... where was the powerful offensive line and prolific rushing attack? How did CSU (CSU!) muster a deep passing attack against our D chock full of future NFL defensive backs? And who, who calls a long left sweep on 4th and inches?

If you're like me, your head is spinning and you consult a higher power on what to do now...

The other thing Bluto taught me: to be humble in victory and magnanimous in defeat. And it is in that spirit that I congratulate Steve Fairchild and the CSU football team who absolutely out-played and out-coached my Buffaloes. Respect, gentlemen, respect.

Sadly, however, Bluto's second law will certainly not be followed by the CSU fans. No, if history has taught me anything it's that those fuckwits will be insufferable pricks for the next 364 days.

But keep a stiff upper lip, Buff alums. Turn the other cheek and take solace in having attended a a superior university which has featured:
  • 6 Nobel laureates
  • 1 Supreme Court Justice
  • 17 astronauts
  • various Tony/Emmy/Oscar winners
  • 1 Heisman Trophy winner
  • and 1 National Championship in Football

Yes friends, let these accomplishments sustain you through these dark days. Don't be afraid to enumerate these tidbits to your CSU friends.
"These are facts that comfort me in the wake of a humiliating lose. Tell me something, Rammie. When you lose, as you so often do, what comforts you?"
Enjoy the ensuing silence.

Thursday, September 03, 2009

The Fortbillies

Greetings, and welcome to 2009. The Buffs will open the campaign once again versus the Rammies of Colorado A&M. Steve Fairchild begins his second season in Fort Fun with a new quarterback and essentially an all new D.

Meanwhile, Dan Hawkins kicks off his fourth year in Boulder with something to prove. Leading the proving will be a talented and huge offensive line featuring multiple NFL bound uglies. Standing behind that line is a collection of talented running backs preparing to do unspeakable things to the CSU defense. We don't have any idea who the starting QB will be and, so says I, it does not matter. The QB needs to make good decisions this year, not carry the team. Cody Hawkins, Tyler Hansen or some combination thereof will be more than serviceable. Concerns remain about depth and talent at WR (still?) but together with the TEs, they'll keep defenses honest. Make no mistake, this is a running offense.

Meanwhile, the Buff defense will be good, quite good. We have an embarrassment of riches at both LB and CB. Defensive Line has talent but nearly all of it is unproven. If the DL pups can step up, this unit may be the best we've had in 6-7 years.

Sadly, the special teams will probably suck. Except for punting where Darrell Scott (!) will rotate with Matt DiLallo. Fake!

This year's Rocky Mountain Showdown will be held in Boulder. Wishing to be hospitable to our agrarian guests, I decided to write a song. I don't know exactly what kind of music the gomers listen to up there in Fort Collins but I'll bet it features banjos, washboards and a jug. So behold, my first (and last) country song. Sung to the tune of the Beverly Hillbillies. Ahem...

Come & listen to a story 'bout a man named Steve
Poor WAC head coach, blew his nose on his sleeve
Wanted some respect so he took on the Buffs
But old Dan Hawkins he called his bluffs

Well the next thing you know the Rams are at Folsom Field
CSU players ask, "What will this trip yield?"
Dan Hawkins said, "Boys, welcome to my house."
"We'll to treat you real kind so don't you grouse."

Dan went on to say, "Y'all I am a Zen Master"
I been recruitin' players who are bigger and faster
I'm known to smoke weed and wear a toga
And you know that everyday my players do yoga


See yoga is the route to true inner calm
Always wear sunscreen and use lip balm
I drop non sequiturs like they're goin' out of style
A quirky stoner trait that makes folks smile

Now if you don't mind, let's play some ball
Let's flip the coin, Steve you make the call
Heads you win, you get the ball first
Here's some herbal tea, it'll quench your thirst

Rams take the field and have the rock
Rookie QB hopes these dolts can block
First play from scrimmage, Jimmy Smith pick six!
Heads are spinnin', those Aggies from the sticks

Things for the Rams, they don't get better
Steve Fairchild's pants they're just getting wetter
Trot on the field, the mammoth Buff o-line
Students in the stands are smoking da 'kine

First, D Sumler makes a 20 yard gain
CSU's defense appears to be in pain
Hicks, don't look now 'cause here's Darrell Scott
Goin' off tackle on a 50 yard trot


Well that's how it goes, the game is a romp
Rocky Mountain Showdown is nothin' but a stomp
What's that on their bench - is it a vulture?
Feasting on a student of the school of agriculture

Well thanks now cousins, we'll see you next year
We think your mascot is a tad bit queer
But here in Boulder we value diversity
So you can be our friend but you can't go to our University