Sunday, November 04, 2007

Outstanding execution!


It's a rare privilege to witness what I did on Saturday. A bold and well conceived game plan, crisp execution, high morale, teamwork, good communication, flawless hand-offs, gutting it out through injuries. Really an amazing performance and the adoring fans cheered, cheered and cheered some more!

Thank you Shannon (and Hamid!) for an amazing Lobsterfest 2007!

What? You thought I was talking about football? Holy cats. That's was horrendous! Possibly the worst I've seen. The Buffs exhibited the rarely seen trifecta of drowsiness, confusion and genuine dip-shitery! I'm just thankful that Bill McCartney wasn't alive to see this atrocity. What, he is!? Oh goddammit!

Don't get me wrong, I love these Buffs as much as I love my own children. But let's just say that a revision in the will is underway...

But back to the tailgate. Really possibly the best ever event and thank you again, Shannon (and Hamid!). A beautiful day, great food, birthdays were celebrated, friendships were rekindled, children were conceived (you know, possibly!) and one spectacular red-headed yoga instructor keg stand was executed. God bless America!

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