Thursday, November 08, 2012

Raising Arizona

The week in which our confoundedly cursed Buffs play Arizona brings to mind this haunting scene from the great film, Raising Arizona.  This monologue as much as anything describes my own journey from preseason to today.

"I drifted off thinking about happiness, birth and new life.  But now I was haunted by a vision of...

He was horrible.  The lone biker of the Apocalypse."

(Sorry if an ad played before you could see the clip.  Hulu are evidently capitalists.)

"I feared that I myself had unleashed him."

Ah yes, our Buffs play the newly Rich Rodriguez offense-ified Arizona Wildcats.  Yet another brilliant, athletic spread offense for our defenseless defense to face.
"We're super excited to host the Colorado Buffaloes"
I wish I could give you a ray of sunshine here but the more I look at this match up the more I feel our Buffs are bringing a knife to a gun drone fight.

Three more games left, folks.  And then the sweet release of death season's end finally arrives.

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