Thursday, August 14, 2008

CU Practice Field - Where ACLs go to rupture

Hi Friends,

Welcome to another exciting season of College Football. I apologize for lack of blogging over the past few months. Let it be known that, though I was not writing, the Buffs never left my mind. Now, just 17 days from game 1 of the 2008 season, I'm back and bloggier than ever!

Topic 1: Knees and the men who destroy them.

So in the course of about 1 week of fall camp not 1, not 2 but 3(!!) ACLs have been torn thereby ending the seasons of the Buffs attached to them. Uggh!

These *ahem* handsome gentlmen are Junior defensive end Drew Hudgins, Freshman guard Mike Iltis and highly touted true freshman linebacker Jon Major. All have suffered the dreaded non-contact, knee-tastrophy. Hay caramba...

Karma - I'm keeping score and you owe me exactly one improbably upset over an imposing football club from the eastern timezone. Yours truly, Buffalover.

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